nottinghamshire police

International Women's Day - BBC Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Police

BBC Radio Nottingham invited firearms officer, Angie Cochrane, one of only 4 female firearms officers in a team of 52 from Nottinghamshire Police to discuss her career to date. She talked about her most memorable 999 call, her pet hens and what it's like being a woman in a male dominated environment.  I was asked to nip over to the BBC building to photograph Angie and Verity once they had finished the interview and managed to get this image of the two of them in the recording studio. The interview wasn't broadcast live but was part of a series of programmes being aired weekly over Women's history month of Verity speaking to different women about their careers. I have often passed the BBC Radio Nottingham building and wondered what it would look like inside so was very excited to finally be walking through the doors! I obviously didn't have much time to grab my shots, as both Angie and Verity had to get back to work but managed to get this shot, straight after the interview.   


Annual LGBT+ Partnership Conference at the Council House Nottingham

This was my third year photographing the annual LGBT+ Partnership Conference in Nottingham and this year, for the second year running, at the beautiful Council House in Market Square. The organisations that come together to host these annual conferences work together throughout the year to organise events that are always well attended and offer and safe place for insightful dialogue and debate. The organisations that work together to make these conferences a success are Nottingham City Council, Nottingham City Homes, Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottinghamshire Police, Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, Nottinghamshire Healthcare and NHS Trust, and Vision West Nottinghamshire College. The ballroom at the Council House is a wonderful place to photograph as it benefits from excellent light thanks to the enormous windows that are equally spread all along one side. I love shooting in this type of natural light and had many opportunities to make great images as the light changed from morning to afternoon.

