west bridgford

Headshots for a newly qualified nutritionist

Janet has just qualified to become a full-time nutritional therapist and is in the process of setting up her business. She needed bright, natural and authentic images reflecting who she is for her new website and social media. We met pre-shoot to discuss the sort of images she needed and on the day of the shoot collaborated to set up the shots and bring her vision to life. We had a large kitchen to work in with plenty of natural light flooding in which help to make the fresh fruit and vegetables we were using look appetising and pop with colour.

Beautiful homes and lots of fun doing property shoots

I have long had an interest in photographing architecture and all sorts of buildings both commercial and residential. I like pondering what makes a structure a great place to live or work and thinking about what lessons we have learnt from the past about how we utilise space. The buildings we occupy should be not only functional but also spaces where we want to spend time and simply enjoy being there. The best architecture does, of course, lift our spirits and makes us feel happy to wander around and explore different areas and watch the play of light in and around the structure. We have an emotional connection to the space and look forward to our visit to either work rest or play. Lately I have been lucky to visit some lovely homes to photograph in preparation for selling and had the pleasure of meeting and talking to interesting people. Here's an example of some of the homes I've had the pleasure to work in. 


Beautiful Properties in the East Midlands

It's always an honour to enter someone's home who is willing to give me total access to take photographs. I don't take the trust for granted so I move from space to space as discreetly as possible and I'm acutely mindful that I'm in someone else's home. Although I work systematically I take the time to think when I'm in a space and consider where the best places are to place my tripod and begin work. As ever, the devil is in the detail when shooting property, so I am constantly assessing the space as I work to make sure everything looks right. Wherever possible I will remove or move things around to make the image work as well as possible to show off the space. Getting back to my desk, shortlisting and editing each photograph is where I finally decide which images will be shown to the estate agent and vendor of course. It's lovely to get positive feedback but I continue to learn all the time because I want to produce the best images I possibly can.



It's all go at Little Wickets!

I had the pleasure of working with Chloe Williams, Managing Director of Little Wickets, which is all about providing cricket fun for the under 7's. There are numerous sessions run all over Nottinghamshire and Chloe wanted images that showed the children actively taking part and enjoying their time with expert coaches and each other. The aims of Little Wickets is that children pick up the fundamentals of movement to develop individual skills, team work and fair play. It was an energetic photography session (to say the least!) but great fun watching these children learn and play together.    



More headshots for East Midlands speech therapy business

So back to the speech therapy company for more headshots of a couple of new members of staff. The company had, of course, moved offices once more and are now situated in the loveliest coach house in West Bridgford. It was great to see everyone again and I even had time to have a cup of tea and a quick catch up with them afterwards before we all had to head off in different directions and get back to work.   

