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Interior design - Woolaton in Nottingham

A wonderful morning collaborating with interior designer, Hilary Marconetti, who has completed the first room in this newly purchased (and soon to be completely renovated!) house. This is my preferred way of working where we discuss and try ideas on the shoot to ensure I deliver the shots Hilary wants for her portfolio. The contribution of designers like Hilary bring a fresh perspective to a room and it’s clear that Hilary has the vision to elevate what could be ordinary to something really beautiful, tranquil and extraordinary. I love the soft pastel colour palette and the very cool furniture Hilary sourced from her known suppliers. The room is a calming space with great light streaming in from that gorgeous bay window. I know the family who commissioned her to do the work were delighted with the result and I look froward to seeing what Hilary does with the other rooms in the house. 

Sobraon Barracks Lincoln - exterior

The exterior shots of the building which is matt black in colour and looking amazing against all the greenery in the daylight.  Again, I showed as many different perspectives as I could, to give a sense of the scale of the build and how the structure presents in its immediate surroundings.     

Halton Manor

Out in the countryside photographing an exquisite property with a large cellar, extensive grounds with fruit trees and a series of outhouses which could provide workshops, studios and a large utility room. It was the the best day to be working in a property like this with sunlight coming through all the large windows to show off the beauty of the very different rooms and spaces around the property. The front of the house is discreetly set back from the narrow lane so walking through the front entrance definitely gives the wow factor and a feel of just how beautiful this property is as you make your way inside. I was keen to capture that sense of wonder and awe for prospective buyers as you step inside the front door and into one of the spacious reception rooms offering tranquil views across the grounds.

Beautiful Properties in the East Midlands

It's always an honour to enter someone's home who is willing to give me total access to take photographs. I don't take the trust for granted so I move from space to space as discreetly as possible and I'm acutely mindful that I'm in someone else's home. Although I work systematically I take the time to think when I'm in a space and consider where the best places are to place my tripod and begin work. As ever, the devil is in the detail when shooting property, so I am constantly assessing the space as I work to make sure everything looks right. Wherever possible I will remove or move things around to make the image work as well as possible to show off the space. Getting back to my desk, shortlisting and editing each photograph is where I finally decide which images will be shown to the estate agent and vendor of course. It's lovely to get positive feedback but I continue to learn all the time because I want to produce the best images I possibly can.



Nottingham Trent University Annual Green Academy Awards

I was so pleased to be asked for the third year running to photograph the NTU Green Academy Awards. The students come to study at NTU from all over the world and their commitment to sustainability and caring for the environment is really inspiring. Their innovative ideas for long term sustainable development is a testament to NTU's own work in the Green Academy to embed education for sustainable development across the curriculum of the whole University. Listening to the students, some of whom share their project ideas, and learning how they are choosing to make a difference, gives me encouragement that there is hope for future generations. These young people have a deep understanding that we simply need to care more for our environment and each other. The room is always buzzing with much laughter, positive energy and a sense of accomplishment and it is wonderful to get to witness the emergence of such talented individuals who will hopefully embark on rewarding and challenging careers in the years ahead. Well done Green Academy graduates of 2017!     

